Information Posts

June 16, 2012

World Naked Bike Ride (Winnipeg Edition)

Manitoba Legislative Building, 450 Broadway
June 22, 6:30 pm 
The ride starts at 7 pm. COME EARLY TO GET DECORATED!

Join us for the first World Naked Bike Ride in Winnipeg in 4 years! 
Protest indecent exposure to emissions, car culture and body-negative attitudes. 
Celebrate your love of bicycles, building community and the beauty of bodies in motion!

Bring your bikes, body paint, costumes, decorations and don't be shy! 
Wear as much or as little as you wish.
Be safe! Wear a helmet!

It is perfectly legal for women to go topfree wherever men can be topfree. 
The Crown has acknowledged that participating in an orderly event naked is not illegal, so long as you are wearing something, such as shoes. 

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