January 26, 2017

Solidarity with Quebec Victims l Cre8ery Events l One Night Stand l Outdoors Show l Call for Submissions l Applying for an Exhibition l Metal Gods l Tuning Into Prosperity l Ozhitoon jii-miigiweng l Energy Justice Coalition l Monster Bingo l Ai-Kon Presents: Winterfest l Colin James l Games Tournament l Polar Bear Run l Red Rising Magazine

January 30 at 6 PM - 7:15 PM
Manitoba Legislative Building450 Broadway, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1S4

Solidarity Vigil & Prayers for Victims of Quebec City Mosque Shooting
Join Manitobans for Human Rights and the University of Manitoba Muslim Students Association in solidarity with victims in Quebec City, the vigil in Quebec City, and our Muslim sisters and brothers across Canada and the world.

Brief statements at 6:15 PM, followed by a candle light vigil and a moment of silence.
Deputy Premier Heather Stefanson - Government of Manitoba
Mayor Brian Bowman - City of Winnipeg
Ahmed Farag - Manitoba Islamic Association
Jaron Hart - Chair, Manitobans for Human Rights Youth Advisory Board
Zeeshan Zamir - President, University of Manitoba Muslim Students Association
Shandi Strong - Board Member, Manitobans for Human Rights
Saif Baloch - International Student Commissioner, Canadian Federation of Students - MB
Tanjit Nagra - President, University of Manitoba Student Union
Representative TBA - University of Winnipeg Student's Association
Darius Hunter Maraj - President, University of Manitoba Hindu Student Council

Also we are looking for donations of candles for tonights vigil as well as candle holders to place the candles in to protect from the elements.

Everyone is also encouraged to attend the Special Prayer for Quebec City hosted by 
the Manitoba Islamic Association, 2445 Waverly Street from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM
There will be a sermon and prayers at the Waverley Grand mosque. 
May Allah bring ease in this difficult time.

Cre8ery gallery & studio, 125 Adelaide Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A 0W4

January 27 at 5 PM - 8 PM All AbOut Us Opening Reception
All ages event. Bar available.
The Society of OUT-Standing Artists is proud to present 
All AbOut Us - a gallery show running from January 27 to February 7. 
Join us for the opening night to browse some great art and meet the artists. 
Call for Donations: Strength by Numbers (2)
cre8ery gallery and studio has signed another lease with a substantial increase in rent.
We are asking artists, entertainers, and art professionals to consider donating time, artwork, or entertainment to help freeze our rates for a bit longer.

Inform us by February 25 that you will donate art or entertainment. 
We will make posters, invitations, a press release, and a website / Facebook page.
We will also accept offers of donations after February 25
Drop off March 25 - April 1 see website Link for all info 

Event date: April 13, 7-10 pm: Final Bids, Entertainment, Celebration of art! 
Food, Music, Spoken Word? and Fun! Pass the Hat? 50-50? Take out a membership?
9:45 bids close. 10pm-11pm: pack up artworks, receive payments, give pieces to buyer.

Volunteers needed to sell tickets, memberships, organize, explain items to guests, 
close bids and pack up artworks, bartenders, sales co-ordinator for auxiliary gallery. 
General help through out the night, before the event and event clean up (2-3 people).
Donations of food prior to event, management of food table during event

February 2 at 7 PM - 10 PM
Prairie Theatre Exchange, Unit Y300-393 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3H6
Pay-what-you-can at the door

Sarasvati Productions is excited to welcome director/producer Tatiana Carnevale to the team for the relaunching of our One Night Stand Series! 
Come get a sneak peek of what is up-and-coming in Winnipeg's Independent theatre scene!
Each evening showcases excerpts of new plays, read on stage by an ensemble of local actors. 

See website for more information including details on how you can submit your work to future performances!  http://sarasvati.ca/one-night-stand-returns/

February 10 – February 12
Manitoba Outdoors Show, 3977 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3K 2E8

Manitoba Outdoors Show
An interactive trade show geared towards those who love the outdoors featuring exhibitors representing all types of outdoors activities.

Theatre by the River Call for Submissions!
Please submit to ad@theatrebytheriver.com
The deadline for submissions is February 14, 2017.

Theatre by the River is thrilled to announce its annual fundraiser Wine & Words will be hosted once again in partnership with the Manitoba Museum. The event will be themed 
IT'S A BIG, BIG WORLD - Our planet is vast and humanity is diverse!

Wine & Words features the written works of Canadian composers, musicians, playwrights, poets, fiction and non-fiction writers, and storytellers. With the participation of local actors and celebrities, Theatre by the River stages the pieces for a variety show that dramatizes the featured written works. 

Submit an excerpt of an unpublished work-in-progress (must be able to be performed in two minutes or less). Submissions from performance artists, as well as mixed-media collaborations, are encouraged. 
A panel will review submissions. Selected pieces will be presented by local actors and celebrities. Writers of selected pieces will receive a complimentary ticket to attend, and will be featured in promotional material. Let us celebrate your creative genius!

Your cover page should include your name(s), email address, mailing address, the title of your submission, the format (poem, song, etc), your professional status (established or emerging), any special instructions and a fifty-word bio. 
Your written submission should omit any information that would identify you as the author. 
A maximum of two submissions per author will be considered.

February 16 at 6 PM - 9 PM
Video Pool Media Arts Centre, 100 Arthur St # 300, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1H3
Please e mail for more details.
Limit: 15 Participants - Fees: $20 member / $30 non-member

Do you want to exhibit your work in Artist-Run-Centres across Canada? Jennifer Smith will be offering a 3 hour workshop on the process of applying for exhibition in galleries. It will include a list of galleries that are friendly to exhibiting Media Arts, how to get your application together and insights on what juries are looking for.

Distribution Coordinator Jennifer Smith spends her days working to get exhibition at galleries and at festivals around the world for the artists in distribution with Video Pool.

February 18 at 9 PM - 12 AM
The Pyramid Cabaret, 176 Fort Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1C9
$10 at the door

Metal Gods with special guests Steel Beaver
The world's best Judas Priest tribute will be delivering the goods. If you like classic Priest, you won't want to miss this amazing tribute to the godfathers of Metal.

February 18 at 1 PM - 4 PM
Radiance Gifts, 875 Corydon Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M0W7
$67.00  To register call RADIANCE at 204-284-4231 or online 

Tuning Into Prosperity · Hosted by Sacred Earth Adventures
People of all cultures have used vibrational sound therapy as a powerful pathway to healing. It’s now being rediscovered and integrated as a leading edge tool for creating transformational shifts not only in spiritual growth and development but for creating optimal health and wellbeing in one’s life.

These group sessions are designed to help you build a new perspective in your life. You will shift brain wave states, eliminate stress, along with activate the 7 Chakras of the body to experience deeper connection and Abundance in 2017. 

February 23 – February 26 
(Thursday evening, Friday – Sunday daytime)
ACI Indigenous
300-245 McDermot Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0S6
Tickets  For information kate@creativemanitoba.ca 
or 204.927.2787

Ozhitoon jii-miigiweng - (to create and share) 
For Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists and educators of any background or artistic discipline, this four-day gathering will bring teachers and artists together to learn about Indigenous knowledge and art, and collaborate on new work. Participants will learn:
• Indigenous teachings from Elders and traditional knowledge keepers
• Indigenous art topics and methodology for schools and student groups
• Collaborative groups will develop multi-disciplinary art workshops and/or projects

This year’s ozhitoon is entirely new content, so if you taken any of the three previous sessions, you may still benefit from this new circle.

February 24 – February 26
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Call 204-298-2250 or email 

Energy Justice Leadership & Organizer School hosted by Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition, a coalition of individuals educating and organizing against the Energy East Pipeline as an expression of energy injustice in Manitoba. We are the Manitoba affiliate of https://350.org

Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition (MEJC) is launching a leadership training program. The weekend retreat will feature a community-organizer training co-hosted by MEJC and Organize BC.
Day 1 - Welcome, Dinner, Agenda, Stories, Informal Gathering
Day 2 and 3 - All Day Training

This is the perfect training for someone interested in becoming more involved in the campaign against pipelines or who wants to build solutions to climate change. Priority will go to people committed to working with MEJC. Training Team:
- Anna McClean from Organize BC
- Joseph Wasylycia-Leis from MEJC, Leadnow, Solidarity WPG
- Alex Paterson from MEJC

Organize BC began in 2013 to help people be better organizers. Collaboration, across projects, organizations and regions, is one of Organize BC's core values. 

February 25, Doors Open 10:00 a.m. 
Early Birds 1:00 p.m. / Regular Bingo 2:00 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Assiniboia Downs, 3975 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3K 2E9

MICEC $100,000 Monster Bingo · Hosted by Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre
Join us for your chance to win up to $100,000 in total prize money!
5 - $500 Door Prizes!!
First 48 numbers for the Bonanza will be pre-called before Early Birds
Early Birds - 2 Lines Anyway (5 Games at $600.00) $3,000
Proceeds to the MICEC Programs and Services

Ticket Sellers - Winnipeg: MICEC 204-942-0228
Trevor 204-451-1325 / Rayna 204-223-1588 / Ronalda 204-982-7704

Sagkeeng: Brian 204-340-1347
Manigotagan: Linda 204-363-7406
Peguis: Reta 204-645-5751
Portage la Prairie: Jess 204-240-9063
Sandy Bay: Laura 204-843-3689
York Landing: Marie 204-341-2390

February 25 from 12:00 PM until 1:00 AM
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, 375 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3J3
Tickets are $22.60

Ai-Kon, Manitoba's largest anime convention, is holding our annual Winter Festival!
Join us for this one day event celebrating Japanese animation and culture! We’ll have
- Exclusive Anime Screenings
- Variety of panels and featured guest spots
- Special Escape Room
- An expanded Marketplace 
- Hallway Cosplay Contests
- The Ai-Kon Maid Café featuring our wonderful maids and butlers 
- The Dance will run 10:00 PM – 1:00 AM
- Video game tournaments with great prizes
- Charity art auction with prints donated by Funimation in partnership with Extra Life
- Our famous fundraising raffle featuring some fantastic prizes

Gamer’s Lounge will be open from 12:00 PM – 1:00 AM
Marketplace is open from 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM
- will include Punklette Originals 

February 25, Doors: 6:30 PM / Show: 7:30 PM  - 11 PM
Burton Cummings Theatre, 364 Smith St, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2H2
Tickets: $29.50, $45.00, $59.50 (Incl. GST) + s/c  All Ages / General Admission

Colin James Blue Highways Tour with special guest Tami Neilson

Critically acclaimed Juno Award winning singer-songwriter Colin James has announced cross Canada tour dates in support of his new album Blue Highways. It pays tribute to some of the singer/guitarist’s long time blues idols including Howlin’ Wolf, Jimmy Reed, Freddie King, Jr. Wells & Buddy Guy, Peter Green, Robert Johnson and William Bell. 

February 26 at 11 AM - 3 PM
A Muse N Games, 1783 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0E8

Quarterly Legacy Tournament
$20 Cash entry fee ($22.60 on Debit/credit) - 100% of Registration as prize pay out:
50% - 1st Place / 25% - 2nd Place / 15% - 3rd Place / 10% - 4th Place
Registration begins at 11 am. First Round begins promptly at Noon.

February 26 at 9:30 AM - 12 PM
Assiniboine Park & Zoo, 2355 Corydon Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3P 2N6

The Assiniboine Park Conservancy is excited to host the second annual Polar Bear Run presented by the Manitoba Moose. This family-friendly event is perfect for all ages and includes 10 km and 5 km runs (through Assiniboine Park), a 2 km Walk (through the Park and a portion of the Zoo), and a Skate (on the Riley Family Duck Pond). 

All proceeds from the Polar Bear Run support the Assiniboine Park Conservancy’s Polar Bear Rescue Team. 
For full event information and a link to our registration page. 

March 1 at 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
307 Tier Building - University Of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Winter 2017 Colloquium: "Love and the Red Word: Red Rising Magazine"
Issues of the Feb 2017 edition of Red Rising Magazine will be on sale!

An hour with Red Rising Magazine co-founders Ashley Richard, Kevin Settee
and Sadie Pheonix-Lavoie (and more!)
"Revisions and Revitalizations: The Role of Native Studies in the Future"

Department of Native Studies Winter 2017 Colloquium Series
Dr. Niigaan Sinclair, UMNATV Colloquium Coordinator niigaan.sinclair@umanitoba.ca
Department of Native Studies http://umanitoba.ca/native_studies/

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